"Nếu trong nước hay có loạn là vì nhân-dân bị thiếu-thốn. Từ nay sắp tới, lương-bổng của ta là 500$ một tháng thì ta chỉ lãnh 200$ mà thôi, còn lại 300$ ta giao cho các thầy đem ra giúp-đỡ kẻ nghèo-khó." ** Duy-Tân ** (năm 8 tuổi)

turkey 1



To all those "Turkeys" out there

It's that beautiful , family filled, fun without the sun, time of year

With all the sweet pumpkin pies, and beer from rye

When family and friends are traveling from far and near,

When Santa and his many reindeers are preparing to fly south to all the local malls

When all the Turkeys are running in fear, and all the chickens are pulling out their favorite cheers

But, Lets not forget it is "Thanksgiving",

Let's not forget how fortunate we are,

And pray for those less fortunate, suffering, hungry, and dying around the world,

Let's hope for a little more peace, a little more love, a little more compassion everywhere

To all those "Turkeys" out there,

It's time to stop squabbling about what we don't have, and treasure what we do

It's time to stop asking what we will "get", but rather what we are able to "give"

To all those "Turkeys" out there, even those disguised in sheep skin, we know who we are,

Be thankful that we are alive, and not roasting in an oven

Be thankful that we are well, and not swelling in a pot of vegetable soup

Be thankful we are free, and not rotting in a cage

Just be thankful,

Happy Thanksgiving !

Hieu Ho

(Dr Hieu Ho practices Family Medicine in Virginia)
